Houses for Sale in Lowe Farm, Manitoba Filter by City: Select the City Albert Beach Alexander Alexander Rm Alonsa Altona Amaranth Angusville Anola Arborg Arden Argyle Armstrong Arnes Ashern Austin Bagot Balaton Beach Baldur Balmoral Beaconia Beausejour Beaver Creek Belair Belmont Benito Bifrost Rm Binscarth Bird River Birds Hill Birtle Bissett Blumenort Boissevain Brandon Brokenhead Rm Brunkild Buffalo Point Caliento Carberry Carman Cartier Rm Cartwright Chater Clandeboye Clarkleigh Clear Lake Clearwater Cooks Creek Cornwallis Rm Cranberry Portage Crystal City Cypress River Darlingford Dauphin Deloraine Ditch Lake Dominion City Douglas Dufferin Dufresne Dugald Dunnottar East Braintree East Selkirk East St Paul Eden Elgin Elie Elkhorn Elm Creek Elma Emerson Erickson Eriksdale Ethelbert Fairford Falcon Lake Fannystelle Fisher Branch Flin Flon Forrest Foxwarren Franklin Rm Fraserwood Gardenton Garson Gilbert Plains Gimli Gimli Rm Giroux Gladstone Glass Glenboro Glenella Glenora Gonor Grahamdale Grand Beach Grand Marais Grande Pointe Grandview Great Falls Gretna Grey Rm Grindstone Provincial Pk Grosse Isle Grunthal Gull Lake Gunton Hadashville Halbstadt Hall Rd Hamiota Hanover Rm Hartney Haywood Hazelridge Headingley Hecla Island High Bluff Hillside Beach Hnausa Holland Homewood Ile Des Chenes Inglis Inwood Island Beach Kemnay Kenton Killarney Kleefeld Komarno La Broquerie La Riviere La Salle Lac Du Bonnet Lac Du Bonnet Rm Ladywood Lake Hasselfield Lake Manitoba Lake Manitoba Narrows Lake Metigoshe Lakeshore Heights Landmark Langruth Leaf Rapids Lee River Lester Beach Letellier Libau Linden Lockport Lorette Lowe Farm Lundar Macdonald Macdonald Rm Macgregor Manigotagan Manitou Marchand Matlock Mccreary Mctavish Meadowdale Meleb Melita Miami Miniota Minitonas Minnedosa Minto Mitchell Montcalm Morden Morris Morris Rm Neepawa New Bothwell Newdale Ninette Niverville North Cypress Rm Oak Bluff Oak Lake Oak Lake Beach Oak Point Oak River Oakbank Oakburn Oakland Oakville Ochre River Odanah Rm Onanole Otterburne Pansy Patricia Beach Pelican Lake Petersfield Pierson Pilot Mound Pinawa Pine Falls Pine Ridge Pipestone Plum Coulee Plumas Ponemah Poplar Point Portage La Prairie Portage La Prairie Rm Powerview Prawda Rallas Island Rapid City Reinfeld Reston Reynolds Rhineland Richer Ridgeville Riding Mountain Ritchot Rm River Hills Rivers Riverton Rm Of North Norfolk Rm Of Oakland Rm Of Oakview Rm Of Ochre River Rm Of Rhineland Rm Of Rossburn Roblin Rock Lake Rockwood Rockwood Rm Roland Rorketon Roseau River Rosenfeld Rosenort Ross Rossburn Rosser Rosser Rm Rossman Lake Russell Sandy Hook Sandy Lake Sanford Sarto Schanzenfeld Seddons Corner Selkirk Seven Sisters Falls Shilo Shoal Lake Sidney Silver Harbour Snow Lake Somerset Souris South Junction Sperling Springfield Springfield Rm Springstein Spruce Sand Sprucewoods St Adolphe St Ambroise St Andrews St Claude St Clements St Eustache St Francois Xavier St Genevieve St Georges St Jean Baptiste St Laurent St Lazare St Malo St Pierre-Jolys Stanley Rm Starbuck Ste Agathe Ste Anne Ste Anne Rm Ste Rose Du Lac Stead Steep Rock Steinbach Stonewall Stony Mountain Strathclair Sundown Swan Lake Swan River Tache Rm Teulon The Narrows The Pas Thompson Tolstoi Traverse Bay Treherne Tyndall Valhalla Beach Victoria Beach Victoria Rm Virden Vita Wanipigow Wanless Warren Waskada Wawanesa West Hawk Lake West St Paul Whitehead Rm Whitemouth Whitemouth Rm Whytewold Winipigow Winkler Winnipeg Winnipeg Beach Winnipegosis Woodlands Woodlands Rm Woodmore Woodridge Zhoda
11121 Hwy 23 Highway West
Lowe Farm
Bungalow, House
Approximate price in July 2017:
R17Lowe Farm/Located in Kane, Manitoba This bungalow with 2 bedrooms on the main floor has had a renovation to make the third bedroom into a large bathroom and laundry area. This home is set for starter or retired buyer It boasts central air, and central... click for more info
100 Main Street
Lowe Farm
Bungalow, House
Approximate price in June 2017:
R17//Lowe Farm/What a great home with lots of potential! 2 bedroom, 1 bath (with potential bedrooms in the basement) home located on 2 lots in Lowe Farm - perfect for a first time home buyer or even a income property. The home feels large and spacious due... click for more info
13 6th Street
Lowe Farm
Bungalow, House
Approximate price in May 2017:
R17//Lowe Farm/Bungalow home attached single garage and detached shop 26x28 insulated and heated with wood stove used as a shop with 10 ft ceiling 2 wall air conditioners hoist incl. This great value 3 bedroom home has eat in kitchen and partial devel down... click for more info
 0.5 ac
Filter by City: Select the City Albert Beach Alexander Alexander Rm Alonsa Altona Amaranth Angusville Anola Arborg Arden Argyle Armstrong Arnes Ashern Austin Bagot Balaton Beach Baldur Balmoral Beaconia Beausejour Beaver Creek Belair Belmont Benito Bifrost Rm Binscarth Bird River Birds Hill Birtle Bissett Blumenort Boissevain Brandon Brokenhead Rm Brunkild Buffalo Point Caliento Carberry Carman Cartier Rm Cartwright Chater Clandeboye Clarkleigh Clear Lake Clearwater Cooks Creek Cornwallis Rm Cranberry Portage Crystal City Cypress River Darlingford Dauphin Deloraine Ditch Lake Dominion City Douglas Dufferin Dufresne Dugald Dunnottar East Braintree East Selkirk East St Paul Eden Elgin Elie Elkhorn Elm Creek Elma Emerson Erickson Eriksdale Ethelbert Fairford Falcon Lake Fannystelle Fisher Branch Flin Flon Forrest Foxwarren Franklin Rm Fraserwood Gardenton Garson Gilbert Plains Gimli Gimli Rm Giroux Gladstone Glass Glenboro Glenella Glenora Gonor Grahamdale Grand Beach Grand Marais Grande Pointe Grandview Great Falls Gretna Grey Rm Grindstone Provincial Pk Grosse Isle Grunthal Gull Lake Gunton Hadashville Halbstadt Hall Rd Hamiota Hanover Rm Hartney Haywood Hazelridge Headingley Hecla Island High Bluff Hillside Beach Hnausa Holland Homewood Ile Des Chenes Inglis Inwood Island Beach Kemnay Kenton Killarney Kleefeld Komarno La Broquerie La Riviere La Salle Lac Du Bonnet Lac Du Bonnet Rm Ladywood Lake Hasselfield Lake Manitoba Lake Manitoba Narrows Lake Metigoshe Lakeshore Heights Landmark Langruth Leaf Rapids Lee River Lester Beach Letellier Libau Linden Lockport Lorette Lowe Farm Lundar Macdonald Macdonald Rm Macgregor Manigotagan Manitou Marchand Matlock Mccreary Mctavish Meadowdale Meleb Melita Miami Miniota Minitonas Minnedosa Minto Mitchell Montcalm Morden Morris Morris Rm Neepawa New Bothwell Newdale Ninette Niverville North Cypress Rm Oak Bluff Oak Lake Oak Lake Beach Oak Point Oak River Oakbank Oakburn Oakland Oakville Ochre River Odanah Rm Onanole Otterburne Pansy Patricia Beach Pelican Lake Petersfield Pierson Pilot Mound Pinawa Pine Falls Pine Ridge Pipestone Plum Coulee Plumas Ponemah Poplar Point Portage La Prairie Portage La Prairie Rm Powerview Prawda Rallas Island Rapid City Reinfeld Reston Reynolds Rhineland Richer Ridgeville Riding Mountain Ritchot Rm River Hills Rivers Riverton Rm Of North Norfolk Rm Of Oakland Rm Of Oakview Rm Of Ochre River Rm Of Rhineland Rm Of Rossburn Roblin Rock Lake Rockwood Rockwood Rm Roland Rorketon Roseau River Rosenfeld Rosenort Ross Rossburn Rosser Rosser Rm Rossman Lake Russell Sandy Hook Sandy Lake Sanford Sarto Schanzenfeld Seddons Corner Selkirk Seven Sisters Falls Shilo Shoal Lake Sidney Silver Harbour Snow Lake Somerset Souris South Junction Sperling Springfield Springfield Rm Springstein Spruce Sand Sprucewoods St Adolphe St Ambroise St Andrews St Claude St Clements St Eustache St Francois Xavier St Genevieve St Georges St Jean Baptiste St Laurent St Lazare St Malo St Pierre-Jolys Stanley Rm Starbuck Ste Agathe Ste Anne Ste Anne Rm Ste Rose Du Lac Stead Steep Rock Steinbach Stonewall Stony Mountain Strathclair Sundown Swan Lake Swan River Tache Rm Teulon The Narrows The Pas Thompson Tolstoi Traverse Bay Treherne Tyndall Valhalla Beach Victoria Beach Victoria Rm Virden Vita Wanipigow Wanless Warren Waskada Wawanesa West Hawk Lake West St Paul Whitehead Rm Whitemouth Whitemouth Rm Whytewold Winipigow Winkler Winnipeg Winnipeg Beach Winnipegosis Woodlands Woodlands Rm Woodmore Woodridge Zhoda
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